How Harnessing Precision Technology Beneficiate The Horticulture Farmers.

creaney Crean
4 min readJan 22, 2021

Harnessing technology and encouraging its enhancements, has contributed to a revolutionized world around us. Regardless of any thresholds, ubiquitous technology has gained ultimate momentum with substantial prominence in every individual daily lifestyle activities in barely a few recent past years. Now, lets get into our headline, what is technology in agriculture! What are the beneficiary activities in agriculture bestowed as an auxiliary through technology in the upliftment of its economy and livelihood of every employee depended upon this sector while inducing food security!

As a citizen of the Pearl of the Indian Ocean aka Sri Lanka, the country that reflects it’s agricultural sector, as it’s major economical tower of strength and a torchbearer of primary national employment, nourished by the moderate climatic, fertile soil and an abundance in the supplication of groundwater has made it conducive to cope better with the national and international demand supply chain while influencing the crop diversification of the country. Nevertheless, the sector has it’s own host of drawbacks to be dealt with in accordance to achieve exponential rates in production to maintain the consistency of the backbone sector of the country.

As divorced as we were from these issues of the sector, it’s high time to broaden our minds to let technology take agriculture by it’s hand into 21st century whereupon relies the future of the next farming generation. In comparing the livelihood of conventional commodities growers to the horticulture producers we can encounter a vivid margin between the two sub-agribusinesses where lies the divergence in the information acknowledgement of market demands associated with deprivation in market acquaintanceship that influences the downfall of the conventional crop cultivators.

The circumstances of disparity in market demand knowledge as a subsequent consequences that is conducive to these shackles imposed to the conventional crop cultivators carries the bigger picture that comprises the pre and post harvest hardships, in determining the exact farm inputs requirement and the entrenched need of intermediaries to get the produces to the market. Above all, the predominant factor that impediments the utilization of technological advancements (that can indeed ascertain the cash flow and increase productivity) into the convention crop cultivators is that they are subjected to live on scanty wages that creates the inadequacy to the contentment of their discretional requirements.

Hence, underpinning the grounds of technological focus been incepted from and towards the horticulture cultivators, since these sub-agribusiness tends to lure their attention towards the cultivation with the investment of massive capital that catalyzes higher ROI from their cultivars, coupled with higher export market values. Essentially, the perception of the cultivators of the market demand behavior and the oddity of their crop diversity to endure the least in the negotiation of price levels in the market has incentivized to capitalized in onboarding technological adoption with the intention of lowering the production cost meantime increasing the productivity accompanied with enhanced crop quality.

SenzAgro Solutions, possessing the pioneership in the nation’s agriculture technology organization, that attends on every level to refashion the traditions and inertia of agriculture through digitization has yoked precision technology in horticulture cultivation. Data Driven approach in Climate Smart Agriculture Practices mastering three fold advantage to the cultivators:

(1) Comprehending the exact accurate crop requirement (water, fertilizers, etc) precisely on schedule engaging precision technology.

(2) Crop supervision regime in pursuance of higher crop productivity incorporated with increased crop quality.

(3) Modifications on the err usage of chemical compounds, pertaining to the tech corrections thus leveraging to retainment of the wholesomeness of the produces.

SenzAgro systems’ , High-throughput customizable algorithms inclined to accomplish 24*7 screening process of your agri-field and the yield mean whilst determination of précised irrigation distributed in uniformity to assured the criterion of efficacious water management performed upon time-based procedures thus bring about a phenomenal outcomes through sustainability in the cultivation in a diverse of aspects.

As a matter of fact, the impact of covid-19 and it’s immense impact on the basis of health creating awareness among every individual, have stipulated the substantial demand on produces with least chemical provisions, hence ameliorations of the produces encouraged the utilization of technology in the upcoming years, hence pursuing a nutritious better world through agriculture technology advancements.

